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hit them first

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Q: How do you stop a crazy person from hitting you?
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Is stop talking crazy an idiom?

No, but it's slang. An idiom is a phrase that doesn't make any sense unless you know the definition. "Stop talking crazy" means "stop speaking nonsense" or "stop speaking like a crazy person would."

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How do you stop a person from going crazy for One Direction?

You can't it's just how they are...sorry

When was Stop This Crazy Thing created?

Stop This Crazy Thing was created in 1988.

Who is at fault in a rear-ending accident if the person in front slammed on their brakes?

The person who was following too closely to stop before hitting the car ahead.

How does a person get crazy?

A person can get crazy if they want

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hitting it ilke a crazy woman

When was Don't Stop That Crazy Rhythm created?

Don't Stop That Crazy Rhythm was created in 1983.

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if you are HITTING a deer in Indiana then you should probably stop.

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Series 4 Gogos Crazy Bones will be hitting the shelves at August 2012!

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they don't stop hitting you because their defence level is great

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self control