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Watch tv or u can dunk your head in freezing water

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Q: How do you stay awake at night when you are so tired?
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Does it hurt your brain if you stay up all night?

It will not heart if you stay up all night but you will be sleepy and grumpy the following morning!

What can make you stay awake at night?

Coffee, Soda, Sugar So caffine

How do you stay awake all night long?

no way in the morning you would fall asleep so there is no reason why

What is in between so and it?

and. That's some type of joke riddle, right?

What happens to you when you stay awake 24 hours?

You will feel...... angry, tired, sad, Etc.... so you will feel all kinds of emotions. Hope this helped

Why do fish stay up all night?

they don't. they just have eyelids so it looks like they're awake

What word describes creatures that come out at night?

'Nocturnal' is the term used for animals that hunt or stay awake during the night; such as bats, owls, and so on. Animals that hunt or stay awake during the day are diurnal. This means that they sleep during the night, whereas nocturnal they sleep during the day.

Are gorillas nocturnal animals?

Gorillas stay awake in the day and sleep at night, so they are not nocturnal but diurnal.

What does it mean if your leopard gecko doesnt sleep?

Most gecko's are nocturnal, so check during the day if they are asleep, then at night if they are awake. if they stay awake all the time, consult a vet.

Are Condors awake in the night?

Some condors may be awake at night. If you don't think so, here is some proof. A condor might be searching around for prey. They aren't usually awake at night, but they can be awake during the night.

What do turtles do in the summer time?

A turtle can be awake at night, but they hardly are awake. They, though, can be awake during the night, but don't always stay up so late.

What are some difficulties with using caffeine to try to stay awake to study or to drive?

Caffeine only lasts so long -- if you've not gotten a good night's sleep and are tired, your body is going to fall asleep anyhow. Too much caffeine also makes you nervous, and can upset your stomach.