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well if your thinking about having sex with your girlfriend but not sure how she would fell there is a couple ways to handle this situation. 1. if she hasn't mentioned it maybe shes not ready so don't rush her 2. You could start by asking questions like your curious but ease into it. Maybe ask question about sex that are kiddie questions. you know small things that you already know but want to see what she says. When doing this if she seems interested in the conversation then you can start getting deeper into the conversation, until you feel its the right time to ask the question or about it, but don't be to blunt. if your her first she may not like it or think your only after one thing so be gentle 3.Make sure you know if shes a virgin or not. if yes take it slow and just ask her if shes ready for that next step but make sure she is because people may think they are but afterward dislike you because they think you rushed them. 4.If there not a virgin and you know it. Then maybe you should just ask but not to strongly

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13y ago

Watch an adult movie with her and then start the talk

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