You might sneak into a house by opening a window and climbing into the window. You could also sneak into a house if the doors were unlocked. Sneaking into your own house is not illegal.
If pets aren't allowed in the house then I wouldn't try it. If they are allowed you don't have to sneak it in
The ANTs sneak out of Chynas house in ant farm by Tying Chyna's dad to a chair.
the viloin
they dont do nothing
Perhaps, but why would it want to?
hold it or try to sneak outside
a trailer is like an entrance or sneak to a house
Depends how it sends signals.
Call me
Only teen Sims can sneak out. Click on the phone before midnight, select "Call..." and then "Sneak out". A menu will appear, and you can choose which friend to sneak out with. be carefull though! make shure all the sims in your house are alsleep or in another room intertained
To beat thee sneak peak you have to be the first person to click your left button on the mouse.