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Q: How do you say take care of yourself in Punjabi?
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How do you say take care in Punjabi?

Take care = Khyaal Rakhna

How do you say i don't care in Punjabi?

You can say "mainu koi farak nahi painda" in Punjabi, which translates to "I don't care".

How does your physical state fit in your character?

A person's physical state can say a lot about their character. It can say that they take care of themselves, or it might say that they don't. It is important to take care of yourself, so that people can see how you care about yourself.

How do you say go yourself in Punjabi?

Ap he chal ja

How do you say take care in Finnish?

Take care is "Pidä huolta." in Finnish.If you want to say take care of yourself, then it's "Pidä huolta itsestäsi."

How do you say take care of yourself in marathi?

kalaji ghya.

How do you say take good care of yourself in Tamil?

ni unnai parthukkole

What is the main responsibility of a person?

I would say to take care of yourself and others and respect yourself and others and their belongings.

When your husband say take care at the end of an email what does he means?

your husband writes "take care" because he loves you and it means that he wants you to take care of yourself and not to get hurt. (physically and emotionally)

How do you say 'take care' in Spanish?

If you are speaking to one person, you would say "Cuídate." If you were speaking to more than one person at the same time, you would say "Cuídense." The first one is pronounced, "KWEE-dah-tay." The second one is pronounced, "KWEE-den-say."

How do you say take good care of yourself in Danish?

Pas godt på dig selv

How do you say no in Punjabi?

nahi. or say no Punjabi even better shake your hands and point no with your fingers