In Venda language, you can say "ndo livhuwa" to express "I miss you."
pulkiay= i miss you in Venda
I miss you
You would say "Ndi khou divhadza mukaladi wanga" in Venda to express "I miss my man."
In Venda, "morning" is "vhusiku".
In Venda, you would say "Ua ntehelele."
You can say "ndi a vhothe" in Venda to mean "I am happy".
"Uri kani?" is how you say "How are you?" in Venda language.
Ndo ni tuvha na nne mufunwa wanga
In Venda, you would say "Ua livhuha ndi mini" to say Have a nice day.
To ask "how is life?" in Venda language, you can say "Ndi khou ita yini?"
In Venda, you would say "Ndaa/Aa nda," to greet someone in the afternoon.