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Ni reile zwavhudi mufunwa

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Q: How do you say drive safely love in tshivenda?
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How do you say phone me in tshivenda?

In Tshivenda, you can say "Phonaḓa nne" to mean "phone me."

How do you say I am tired in tshivenda?

To say "I am tired" in Tshivenda, you would say "ndi a vhulunga."

Is drive safe grammatically correct?

There would be nothing incorrect in saying drive safe, better to say drive safely.

How do you say i miss you my friend in Tshivenda?

I miss you in herero

Is it correct to say did you reach safely?

Yes, it is correct to say "Did you reach safely?" to inquire about someone's safe arrival at a destination. However, a more common phrasing might be "Did you arrive safely?"

How can you say reach safely in Malayalam language?

In Malayalam, you can say "സുരക്ഷിതമായി എത്തുക" (surakshithamayi etthuka) to convey the meaning of "reach safely".

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We cannot safely say that the Katipunan was the first government and that Bonifacio was the first president.

Has Jeremy kissed a carrot?

i can safely say YES

What is spanish for drive?

manejar means to drive. if you want to say "i drive" you say "manejo"

How long does it take to drive from Regina Saskatchewan to Winnipeg Manitoba?

The drive from Manitoba to Regina is 571 km - about 6 hours 36 mins.I highly disagree with the above answer. seeing as most people drive above 89K/h... given i go about 110-130 safely. id say just over 4 hours.

How do you say have you arrived safely in French?

You can say "Êtes-vous arrivé(e) en toute sécurité ?" in French to ask "Have you arrived safely?"

How will you say a boy that you love him?

you say i love you