Care about their feelings and belongings, care for them and always be polite to them.
respect a teacher by listening to her or him . respect your classmates. being honest.
It means to treat them with respect. To treat them as your equals and not call them names or other such things. In case the question was more of "what are classmates and peers," Classmates are simply people that are in your class, and peers are people your age.
different types of respect describe fundamentally different relationships and therefore different they have boundary expectations associated with them. The three types of respect are; the Respect of Personhood, the Respect of Authority and the Respect of Honor
One's expectations of their classmates might be that they respect each other, be willing to work together when needed and pull their share of work in a group project. Your classmates might be expected to be present and on time as well.
Look them in the eye, nod when they speak, compliment their comment, don't counter with a comment that could offend them.
The correct way would be "Do her classmates". Think of it in a simpler way. "Her classmates" can be replaced with the word "they" Making it either "Does they" or "Do they" making the phrase easier to understand grammar wise
That is the correct spelling of the plural noun "classmates" (fellow students).
No most of his classmates laughed at him.
The plural of classmate is classmates.
I have a group project with my classmates next week.
Donald Zinkoff was afraid of failing, disappointing his family, and losing the respect of his classmates. These fears contributed to his struggles with self-esteem and his difficulties fitting in at school.