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The body does not have a good way of getting rid of copper from the body naturally, so there have been some medications developed to help chelate (remove) it, but they are prescription drugs, so if you feel you need to lower your body's copper, you need to see your doctor. Some of the main drugs used to reduce copper in the body are pencillamine, and trientene, though if you are very high, your doctor may feel you need to undergo dialysis to remove the excess copper from your bloodstream quickly.

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Q: How do you remove copper from your body?
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Does copper come from human being's?

Copper is extracted from minerals; but the body of a human being contain copper because copper is indispensable for the life.

Is there copper in blood?

Copper, and other metals are often used sparingly by the body in the formation of certain enzymes and protein structures. IRON is a prime example as it forms the bases of the protein Hemoglobin which transports gases through the body. Unlike iron, the body needs very little copper to function properly, in fact, copper helps the body to absorb iron for creating red blood cells. Most copper in the body is limited to metal-containing enzymes, the copper has to be transported through the body to where it's needed, so there is a small, small amount of copper in the blood (while its transported to organs where its needed).

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What is the best way to clean of remove deposits from a copper penny?

The deposits on the surface of the coin were part of the coin body. Removing these deposits is removing part of the coin. A coin collector will not do this.

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What is the scrap value of a copper boiler?

The scrap value of a copper boiler will depend on the actual weight, if it has been cleaned to remove non-copper elements and the market value of scrap copper.