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It depends on which symptoms you need help with. The short-term symptoms will generally subside on their own as long as no new trauma is experienced. Our natural coping mechanisms will seek to balance out our body and mind over the course of about three days. If it lasts longer than that then see your physician. If it becomes chronic it can lead to a condition called post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.

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Q: How do you relieve physical symptoms after a bad or traumatic experience ex headache dizziness stomach aches etc?
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Generally speaking, no. We cannot diagnose medical symptoms. You should see a doctor immediately. These can be symptoms of serious, even life-threatening, physical disorders.

I am not sure about ?

I am not sure about a headache that will "come and go". However, there is post concussion syndrom(PCS) in which headache and dizziness can start within the first 7-10 days and last as long as 3 months. A good way to tell the difference in headache is to press below the eyes over the sinuses. If there is pain in that region, it is likely sinus headache. If this were my son, I would give him a full day of rest like you did. Then I would let him start to engage in some physical activities for 10 minutes or so, which at 11 years old, I am sure he has already. If he has no dizziness or confusion, and has no headache (other than sinus), I would allow him to participate in the track activities that you described. Now that he has had a concussion, it will be easier for him to get a concussion in the future.

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What physical characteristic should you for in a Soldier who is suspect of having post traumatic stress disorder?

One physical characteristic that you should look for in a soldier who is suspected of having post traumatic stress disorder PTSD is muscle tremors.

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Acquired brain injury (ABI) is characterised as a brain injury which has occurred after birth, and is not the cause of any genetic or congenital disorder. A "mild" ABI could be considered as a brain injury which does not have a profound impact on the brain functioning or the sufferers behaviour, or could be considered as temporary.

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What physical characteristics should you look for in a soldier who is suspect of having a post traumatic stress disorder?

One physical characteristic that you should look for in a soldier who is suspected of having post traumatic stress disorder PTSD is muscle tremors.

Is headache an abstract noun?

The word 'headache' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical pain that one can feel.The noun 'headache' is an abstract noun as a word for something that causes annoyance or trouble.