You should just be calm and react like you would normally to any guy. If it helps, pretend that he's not there, except if he talks to you, then if you don't answer, he would get MAD.
He will stay away from you.
If the guy likes you back , you might start dating , but if he doesn't like you he , might avoid you and tell his friends that you like him .
You say thanks and react like you really love it even if you don't like it. Remember to say thanks and maybe hug him.
If you really like the guy, don't freak out. Hold his hand and try to make it warmer. At least it's not sweaty.
tell him you really like this guy whose hot but dont over react cause he will find out VANESSA RODRIGUEZ
don't react to what he is doing to you, or simple just say i don't like that :L and why are you with him if he's not turning you on?
just tell her the truth. she/he should understand. if not let them cool down. u cant always pick who u like.
Show him your breast and see his reaction. If he doesn't react the way men should, then shoot him!
they would get really jealous and they would want you more. its like playing hard to get. if they like you, they would get really protective and want to be better than that other guy.
I am sure he will probably be flattered. But don't look for guys on facebook :)
There's no right way too react ,your body will have it's own reaction
you ask her if she likes the guy if so - break up time if not - froget about the guy