

How do you quit sneezing?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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Stick carrots up your nostrils, then wait two weeks, and then pour a cup of milk down your nose

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Can sneezing break your neck?

some people die from sneezing

What is a plant that can induce sneezing?

One plant that can induce sneezing is ragweed. It produces pollen that can trigger allergic reactions, including sneezing, in some people.

Has Lauren Johnson stopped sneezing?

no she hasnt she will never stop sneezing

What is a simile for sneezing?

A simile for sneezing could be "like a trumpet blasting."

Why does your cat bite you when you sneeze?

Cats may bite you when you sneeze because they are startled by the sudden noise and movement. They may interpret your sneeze as a threat or as a sign of distress. It's important to give your cat space and time to adjust to unexpected sounds.

What are the release dates for Sneezing - 1905?

Sneezing - 1905 was released on: USA: September 1905

Can stopping yourself from sneezing give you brain damage?

It depends on how you stop yourself from sneezing.

Can you breathe in while sneezing?

You cannot breathe in; If you talking about breathing out, then yes. That is why you take a big inhale before sneezing. It's because you cannot breathe while you are sneezing.

Is if your fault if you get into an accident due to sneezing?

Your question already has the answer contained within it. "an accident caused by sneezing"If you were the one who's sneezing caused the accident then you are at fault.Yes, in most cases.

Is sneezing addictive?


Why was the law in Nebraska sneezing in public is illegal made?

There is no law forbidding sneezing in public in Nebraska.

What is sneezing salt?

sneezing salt is a type of salt that if you snif it you will probably sneeze for the next hour or two