There are several relatively quick ways to help rid yourself of Nail Biting. This is not an uncommon challenge many people have. Some have bitten their nails since childhood. And there are some who do this as a symptom of much deeper problems.
First, accept that you're determined to stop! That's the easy part. Next, remember how badly biting and chewing your nails can affect you. You are constantly exposing yourself to pathogens which pass from things you touch throughout the day. Just imagine flushing a public toilet, washing your hands, then opening the public bathroom door. Your hands are immediately re-infected. The same applies to everything you do. And throughout that process, you may as well be licking the door handles if you're biting your nails!
Also consider how others perceive you. Have you been passed over for a job promotion in the past? Have you been turned down for a particular job when you felt you were perfectly suited? Your hands are among the first things prospective employers and customers notice in people.
The first simple method, which will also help boost your self-esteem, is to have the most basic, short - not long or decorative, acrylic nails applied. The nail technician will build the acrylic on top of what existing nails you have, thus removing your ability to access them. Treat yourself! At the same time, add a bit of colour to make you feel good about yourself. This simple method works for many women, (and occasionally men), who have struggled to stop for many years!
The next is the same method used when teaching babies not to suck their thumbs or bite their nails. The methodology you're using has a rather advanced term - it's called CBT or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
At any chemist or large supermarket, you can purchase a clear polish which leaves a vile taste in your mouth each time you attempt to bite your nail. The combination of your self-teaching and the subliminal effect of the awful flavour both work in tandem towards a behavioural change. It's effective and it can work quickly, provided you remain focused.
Identify what causes you to bite your nails. Are you stressed? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Consider taking up yoga, or even carry with you a small zip bag of carrot batons. Just as with cigarettes, each time you feel the need to bite, take a chomp out of the carrot and remind yourself why you're biting the carrot!
Many holistic and alternative therapy specialists suggest that when you find yourself beginning to reach for your index for a chomp, start tapping your wrist repeatedly. Surprisingly, people use this method to reduce pain, stress, headache, and a number of other maladies. It does work for many people.
Whatever methods you choose, keep close to yourself and remember you can achieve anything you set your mind to!
cut his balls off
Noo sir Ree
He uses sunflower seeds.
Grumpiness. When people are addicted to nicotine and quit, they are more grump or edgy because they aren't getting their "fix." I know of someone whose family won't let him quit chewing because he gets very edgy.
you could give it something else to chew on like a bone
give him a good ole can of grizzly winter green lol
Yes. Snus is more effective than other NRT products, like nicotine gum and patches, at helping people quit smoking.
By chewing your fingernails, also by ripping and scratching your nails on rough objects like sandpaper. You also have to remember to use a nailfiller very good.
If you chew, here are someways to stop.1) Think of why you were chewing in the first place.2) Throw all of your chew cans out.3) If you might be chewing right now, spit that chew out.4) Regain control.5) Do NOT think about chewing.. And I know it is very hard to stop.6) If you want to chew, have a peice of minty gum or whatever chew flavor you often get, set that by your lip.. It might cause a cavity but at least you won't have a WHOLE lip gone:)I hope that helped.. and I wish you will quit:)
A person says "bite your tongue" to someone else when they feel the person has something they shouldn't. Bite your tongue means to quit talking -- You've said something you shouldn't have said.
Biting fingernails, avoiding eye contact, grinding teeth, chewing on pencils, foot tapping. twirling hair, fidgety fingers, biting lower lip