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Q: How do you protect your body from germs?
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How does white blood cells protect your body from germs?

They are like little soldiers they "fight" off the germs

How do macro-phages protect your body from infection?

they eat the germs then break them down

What are the some of the functions of skin?

skin water proofs you and protects your body from germs

Why people grow hair under their armpits?

The hairs protect your body from germs and diseases.

What the white blood cells do?

they protect your body against any disease or any bad germs

What are all the cells jobs?

The cells job is to protect the body from germs and keep you healthy and strong.

What do the white blood cells?

they protect your body against any disease or any bad germs

What parts of the body protect against germs and disease?

The skin provides physical protection, gastric fluid in the stomach kills germs due to its high acidity, etc...

How does you body fight infectiouse disease?

When germs get inside you, white blood cells in your blood start to make antibodies. These are special chemicals the find germs and then stick to them. This helps other white blood cells in your body find the germs and destroy them. When you are sick, your body makes more white blood cells to protect you.

What is definition of epidermis and funcation?

The epidermis is the outer layer of skin. It's function is to protect the inside of the body from germs.

Can a face mask designed to keep one's germs to one's self be turned around to protect the wearer from other people's germs?

face mask is designed not to keep safe from the germs, it is usefull to not to attack to any body from us

Why do you protect your food?

You protect food to keep germs and bacteria out.