

How do you prevent rinkles?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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first of all, its spelt WRINKLES. i am answering these questions because i am really depressed. my horse died today because of bad colic. how DARE you BE ON THIS MESSAGE BOARD posting stupid worthless questions when animals are genuinely sick, dying. and you want to know how to prevent WRINKLES you are disgusting. DISGUSTING. go and buy a horse. care for him for 15 years, day in day out. feed him milk bottles as a foal, and warm bran in the winter. watch as he nuzzles you when you arrive at the stables. love him more than anything. then watch him dying, through such excruciating pain. then arrive at the stables one morning, and find your horse lying under a sheet, dead. you didnt even get to say goodbye. then and only then, you are worthy of living.

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13y ago
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