Herpes is a local (usually) viral infection resulting in open sores on the lips or genitals. To prevent getting the virus do not kiss or have intimate contact with anyone with open sores. But people can give it to you even if they do not have open sores but this is much less likely.
Although people always tend to think of herpes as being synonymous with
"genital herpes" there are several types. All are caused by the virus herpes simplex (type 1 (HSV-1) or type 2 (HSV-2)). The disease is generally labeled with the name of the location it impacts:
Oral herpes (cold sores or fever blisters) is the most common
Genital herpesis the second most common form of herpes
Herpetic whitlow (on the fingers from bites from dental patients etc.)
Herpes gladiatorum (from skin to skin scratches during Wrestling and similar events) is the most infectious
Neonatal herpes is passed by an infected mother to a child at birth.
All are passed by body to body contact of damp skin. The prevention is to know who you are likely to "rub up against" and periodic testing to determine if there is an infection. There is no cure.
It's not easy but it's possible. You're not always doomed to get herpes from some one that has it, but you're at a higher risk of getting it if you have intercourse with them regularaly.
1. Get some knowledge on herpes. Once you know some thing about it it's not that scarry.
2. Ask your partner about it, ask them if they are willing to take antiviral medication regularly. Doing this can reduce their break outs and suppress the virus, this can help prevnet you from getting it.
4. Never ever have sex (even with a condom) if your partner has any signs or symptoms of a break out. Wait until the break out is completely gone before you resume having intercourse.
If it's too much for you to handle then you may want to consider moving on or just keeping this person as a friend, but try to let them know before things get too intimate.
Abstinence is the best way to prevent Herpes infection. If you choose to have sex then you and your partner should be tested for STD's before you have sex. Also, use a barrier method of Birth Control such as a condom.
The only way you keep from getting herpes is to not have sex with an infected person.
There is no vaccination for herpes. The only way to make sure you don't catch it is by not having sex at all with anyone infected with the virus.
datingpoz...C óM is a warm-hearted and exclusive community for singles and friends with herpes , HPV,HIV/AIDS or any other STDs. Here you can get on with your life and meet new friends, partners or potential spouses, or learn about STD medical information. If you just need to find someone to talk to or offer help or advice, this is the best place.Never feel lonely again!so if you want to know more about it ,you can go to there
There are two types of herpes, Oral herpes and genital herpes. The only way to avoid any Sexually Transmitted Diseases is honestly abstinence (having no sexual relations). However, if a person would engage in ANY sexual activities, they must make sure to use protection (like a condom).
As for oral herpes, a person can't tell if another person has oral herpes by just looking at them, because the sores are usually on the gums, tounge, or any where else inside of the mouth. Therefore, kissing people who a person barely knows isn't a good idea.
Don't be afraid to ask the person about STDS! It is normal and nothing to be embarrassed about. And if you have an STD you must tell your partner!
wear a glove
Wear female condoms.
Anyone who is experiencing herpes outbreaks should take the necessary precautions to avoid infecting other people.
It is of paramount importance that you not touch or come into physical contact with someone who is experiencing a herpes breakout. This includes kissing and sexual contact.
Don't Share:
Herpes can be passed along via the sharing of towels, washcloths, toothbrushes and eating utensils. Drinking out of the same cup as an infected person may also lead to herpes.
Washing your hands thoroughly after possible exposure to the virus is important. In some cases, herpes is spread because a person touches his face or genitals after exposure.
Use Sunblock:
Too much sun seems to trigger herpes. Use sunblock on your face and neck, and use lip balm with an SPF of 15.
Not everyone gets herpes; if you can improve your immune system by taking Echinacea and Vitamin C regularly, it can reduce your chances of contracting herpes if exposed.
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