From experience, I would say not to eat for a few hours before hand but drink water. alcohol is bad too, causes bloating! sometimes, if you are too tense, this may also result in bloating.
You can prevent getting aids by not having sex at all. Or by when having sex using a condom.
yes it may also be your body rejecting his sperm, try protected sex and see if you still get bloated, this will elimanate that possibility.
by having safe sex and universal precautions.
You may be pregnant.Just maybe.
By not having sex.
You probably ate too much!
you must have had sex when you were not born because your stomach has not formed proper cavities. Sex in the stomach is typically painful but it only bloated awell? because of the fractures of early birth. My boyfriend was once in agony and you don't know why it goes really bloated aswell? but he died the next day, I pray for your foreclosure.
Yeah of course the carbon dioxide and gas affect your body. You start getting bloated of all the bad ingredients too.
A bloated goldfish may be caused by overfeeding, constipation, or a bacterial infection. It is important to monitor their diet and water quality to prevent further health issues.
no, it actually makes you feel a little bloated.
lol at worst they ruptured your intestines...
Answer Don't engage in any kind of sex, unles it's protected sex this includes, oral and intercourse. Protection mean condoms and blood tests with the person you are going to have sex with on a regular basis.