There are all kinds of ways you can prevent a human virus. Some human virus's like A.I.D.S are fatal, but there are things you can do to prevent it! Depending on what virus it is, there are many vaccines you can get at the doctors to help prevent whatever it may be. Also, leading a very healthy lifestyle will FOR SURE do good for your body(but that does not mean you still won't get viruses/diseases but it will help to prevent) I personally recommend getting your flu shot, if you haven't already booster shots and hep A and Hep B shots! Do whatever you can to prevent viruses!
Getting a good AntiVirus and a firewall. I recommend Advast and ZoneAlarm.
To allow your immune system to recognize the modified virus to prevent yourself from getting the virus yourself
Install a good anti-virus program like AVG which has a reliable free version and update it regularly.
Firewalls cannot contain viruses. They can only try to prevent or block them from getting into your computer.
It is sometimes given to people who will be in close contact to those with the virus, like parents caring for sick children. Although it will not prevent you from getting the virus, it will prevent it from reproducing. So, even though the virus may be in your system, you will be unlikely to have any symptoms or severe symptoms before your body can get rid it. Usually Tamiflu and other anti-viral medicines are given after you are first infected to keep you from getting as sick (since the virus won't be able to replicate) and it will help you get over it quicker.
Prevention involves decreasing mosquitoes bites in areas where the disease occurs and proper use of condoms.
You would have to disable the function allowing it to connect to the internet via Wi-fi. If the PSP is completely internal (no outside connections to other computers or the internet) than it cannot get a virus.
You cannot get chickenpox twice. Your body adapts to the virus and you no longer break out. You can, however, get shingles later in life from the chickenpox virus still in your body.
An antivirus software.
Making sure, want to do things correctly to prevent a virus Making sure, want to do things correctly to prevent a virus
To prevent virus in computer you can use some antivirus apps and being very careful about clickable links.