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Urine tract infection. Wash regularly don't put any thing unclean up your urethra.

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Q: How do you prevent a urine track infection?
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Why does your urine smell like pine sol?

Urinary track infection or stones.

What is wrong with a man who is running a fever and peeing pink?

Fever means there is an infection, and if his urine is pink it means there is blood in the urine. Most probably he has a kidney or urinary track infection. He may take chemical or natural antibiotics for the infection.

What are the health benefits of cranberries?

cranberries will clear and prevent a UTI urinary track infection.

If there is a oder in your urine could you have aids?

You could have a urinary track infection or some other infection. Get it checked out by a doctor either way. This is not a symptom of HIV/AIDS.

What is Urinary track infection with 2-4 pus cells in urine?

normal, drink plenty of water. dr aziz

How is a strep infection diagnosed from a urine sample?

Strep infection is not diagnosed from a urine sample.

Can a bladder infection result in blood in the urine?

Yes, a bladder infection can lead to blood in the urine.

Does sperm die after a woman urinates?

Absolutely not. It's not even in the same hole. It is a good idea to pee after to prevent urine infection but that's it.

Is rat pee poison?

Rat urine can potentially transmit diseases such as leptospirosis, which can be harmful to humans. It is important to take precautions when handling areas contaminated by rat urine to prevent the risk of infection.

What does leukocytes and urobilinogen on a urine dipstick test mean?

Leukocytes is infection. Urobilinogen is blood in the urine. It sounds like you was performing a test for a urine infection. If either of these 2 are positive then you have a UTI or possible Kidney infection if blood is found in urine.

What infection could be responsible for causing blood in urine?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) or kidney infection could be responsible for causing blood in urine.

If you have blood in your urine lower right back pain but no infection what is it?

If Your A Woman It Could Be Your Period And A Crap Or Urine Infection