

How do you pick your bogeys?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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14y ago

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Put your finger up your nostril then wiggle then pull your finger out.

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Q: How do you pick your bogeys?
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How do bogeys grow?

Bogeys do not actually grow. The term "bogey" commonly refers to a golf score of one over par on a hole, but it can also refer to an unidentified aircraft or an unpleasant substance found in one's nose. In none of these cases does the bogey itself physically grow.

Do bogeys have a smell?

Bogeys, also known as boogers, don't have a distinct smell on their own. However, they can sometimes pick up odors from the environment or from the substances in your nose, such as mucus or bacteria, which can create a smell when you sniff them.

Why do people pick their bogeys?

because sometimes they might get a little bit hungry, and just say a bat hanging out the cave and have a go at it

Is bogey good for you?

kind of because bogeys are actually dust around you that you've breathed in.if you pick it then you're releasing dirt from your body.

What are bogeys made from?

They are made from the cold It helps us by blocking the germs and bacteria out of our nose because the bogeys are too soggy and thick for them to come inside your nose! They are like shields but in your nose! It protects the inside and outside of your nose (so don't keep on wiping it because the bacteria will go inside and don't pick your nose because it will melt and go on the bacteria that's melting him)Um, anyway, bogeys are dust say get RID of them!!

Did Frankinstein ever pick his bogeys?

Yes he did after watch his great great great great grandma play on the Zumba and play call of duty MW3 on the x box

What is intergect?

it means to have bogeys

What is sticky mucous?


How many bogeys do you get in a day?


Is it healthy to eat your bogeys or not?

Probably not.

What is the most nasty thing to eat?


Does Yoda have bogeys?

Go ask him your self!