Callus is caused by pressure as your body's way of protecting your body, particularly your feet. Reducing pressure will reduce production of callus. Using creams that contain urea help soften skin. Failing that see a good Podiatrist to shave it off with a scalpel.
no, not permentally
Not permanently, No.
You can't
The way your foot hits it and where are big reasons. Focus on locking your ankle and striking through the center of the ball if you want to get rid of the bend. If you practice hitting the ball with different parts of your foot (i.e. outside or inside) on different spots on the ball you will be able to curve it.
Press Q. This will drop what you are holding. If you want to get rid of it permanently, drop it in lava.
Easy way Shave them or use hair removal cream or to get rid of them permanently use lazer therapy
There is no real way to rid this giant pinata permanently, but you can send it away by asking Gretchen Fetcher to.
There are ways you can get rid of pain in your foot here are a couple of sites I found for you on this. Site one , and here is the second one Weight Management & Body Image
with a pin
You cannot permanently get rid of pubic hair. You can shave or trim them, there is also some laser surgery.
Hammer toe is a condition where a toe assumes a bent downward position like a claw. The condition can be from birth or acquired from wearing short, narrow shoes. The symptoms of hammer toe include foot pain, callus formation on the sole of the foot or corn formation on the top of the affected toe. Treatment of mild cases and cases in children can include foot manipulation and splinting of the affected toe. More severe cases may require surgery to straighten the toe joint.