

Best Answer

do not let her dehidrate fluids and no blood in stool she need a hospital fast to stop the bleeding

Observe her diet pattern and contents. I would suggest the following based on my experience and what was heard and read..

  • Specific Feeding time should be maintained regularly. If missed it for more than an hour better to skip that meals
  • From the diet find out fibre input and increase it . Means give more food containing fibers. Avoid meat. Give lot of vegetables and fruits.
  • Give lot of water periodically. Do not take water or other liquids immediately after a meal. Specially no cold drinks. Give atleast 30 minutes gap.
  • After getting up from the bed take two glassed of water in the empty stomach.
  • Keep doing mild exercises like walking.
  • Do not sleep or lie down immediately after a meal.
  • Do Vajrasana a Yogic posture after meal for about Ten minutes.
  • Whether you get motion or not make a habit of trying at specific time everyday.
  • If possible avoid food /drinks which dehydtare the body. Like Alchahol
  • Try to be a vegetarisn if already not.
  • If you are not hngry dont eat for social sake.

With the above slowly over a period of time the bowl movements will become regular and easier..

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