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Q: How do you mastaurbate for an hour?
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How do you mastaurbate when your 11 years old?

you don't kid. Instead take the hours you would spend on that and do something productive like your homework.

How do you estimate time to the nearest half hour?

From a quarter to the hour to a quarter past the hour, it is the hour, whilefrom a quarter past the hour to a quarter to the hour, it is the half hour.

What hour is the bewitching hour?

its the witching hour and it means midnight.

What aricle use on the word hour?

For a specific hour, use the definite article the hour, for example: The hour is late.For a general hour, use the indefinite article an hour, for example: We can meet in an hour.

What is an attack hour in war?

A-hour stands for alert hour. It is the hour of an attack/alert etc.

What is 1-3 of an hour in fractions?


How much do you make an hour if your yearly salary is 27990?

My Yearly salary is 60,135.00 how much do i make an hour

Is it a hour ago or an hour ago?

It's an hour ago.

How much an hour is 32844?

$15.77 an hour

What does an hour so mean?

An hour or an hour and fifteen minutes

What is the homophone for the word 'our'?

Hour is a homophone for Our

How many minutes is it to the hour if it is quarter to the hour?

One hour = 60 minutes. Quarter hour = 15 minutes.Quarter [hour] to the hour = 15 minutes to the hour. OR start with the hour, say 1:00 PM. in fifteen minutes it will be a quarter after the hour. At thirty minutes it will be half past the hour. In forty five minutes it will be a quarter ( fifteen minutes) TO the next hour or a quarter to 2:00 PM.