you don't kid. Instead take the hours you would spend on that and do something productive like your homework.
From a quarter to the hour to a quarter past the hour, it is the hour, whilefrom a quarter past the hour to a quarter to the hour, it is the half hour.
its the witching hour and it means midnight.
For a specific hour, use the definite article the hour, for example: The hour is late.For a general hour, use the indefinite article an hour, for example: We can meet in an hour.
A-hour stands for alert hour. It is the hour of an attack/alert etc.
My Yearly salary is 60,135.00 how much do i make an hour
It's an hour ago.
$15.77 an hour
An hour or an hour and fifteen minutes
Hour is a homophone for Our
One hour = 60 minutes. Quarter hour = 15 minutes.Quarter [hour] to the hour = 15 minutes to the hour. OR start with the hour, say 1:00 PM. in fifteen minutes it will be a quarter after the hour. At thirty minutes it will be half past the hour. In forty five minutes it will be a quarter ( fifteen minutes) TO the next hour or a quarter to 2:00 PM.