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Play really loud music really early in the morning and it will drive them insane!

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12y ago

The best way to make an ex friend mad is to go out and have a good time without them. They are jealous of you having fun and you feel better too, so it is called a win - win situation.

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Q: How do you make your neighbor mad?
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he probably got mad because you left in the middle of youth night.Personally i would leave if i felt uncomfortable.if you explained that you felt uncomfortable,he probably wouldnt have gotten mad

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The best thing to do would be to talk to the neighbor first, if they are still mad at you send them a nice present. Whenever I do this they usually forgive me!

Synonym for ' to make someone mad'?

just make them mad like latish always does

How do you make a boy mad?

You can make a boy mad just as you would make a girl mad, or any other person mad. Insulting his mother should work fairly well, as should kicking him in the crotch.

If someone makes you mad how could you make them mad again?

u dont want to make them mad just ignore and walk away dont say anything

What will happen when you caught a fairy and it got really mad?

Well, it might cast a spell on you to make you fall asleep and when you wake up you might end up in your neighbor's yard in a pink tutu and pink flip-flops if your a boy you might be in a clown's outfit, the only way to make not mad is to give them fresh fruits and a glass of fresh water but it won't forgive you all the way.

Why do fireflies make people mad?

no, but they really really hurt and the pain can make you go mad

How do I make sure that someone is or isn't mad at you if they are ignoring you but don't seem mad?

Ask them "Are you mad at me?"

I make this girl I like mad so much but she says that really likes me what do I do if everything I do happens to make her mad even though I don't mean to make her mad?

Kick her to the curb

How do you make Google go mad?

search for google go mad