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wear shoes without socks.

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Q: How do you make your feet smell worse?
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What are the differences between girl feet and boys feet?

boys feet are bigger and they smell worse.

Do bigger feet always smell more than smaller feet?

The size of the feet is not the reason they smell worse or better. It is usually hygiene or health that causes feet to smell bad ,,,, not their size.

Why do your feet smell awful?

Feet can smell bad due to a combination of sweat, bacteria, and dead skin cells accumulating on the skin. Wearing closed shoes or poor ventilation can make the smell worse. Maintaining good foot hygiene and wearing breathable shoes can help reduce odor.

Girls would you make someone smell your feet if yes why?

ya i wanna know if my feet smell.

How can my feet smell if they don't have a nose?

because your feet sweat and the sweat sits there and releases a gas to make the smell. Thank you for using

How do you make your feet smell good?

Soap and water

Does having gastritus make you fart more?

I dont know about that but it makes them smell worse

Do leather sandals make your feet smell?

some of them do, especially after wearing them a long time. Leather allows your feet to breathe but with hot weather they'll still sweat, and that will make your feet (and sandals) smell.

Why do men's feet stink more then women?

You have it the other way around; women's feet smell WAY worse than men's feet. Same with shoes, etc. Not even a close comparison.

Why do you notice the smell of your feet more on a hot day than on a cold day?

You may notice the smell of your feet more on a hot day because, your feet have Sweat with multitudes of BACTERIA!!!!!These tiny non-friendly slimy creatures multiply with the sweat on your feet which makes the smell even WORse!!!!So, if you're with people and you wanna take off your sneakers......KEEP YOUR SOCKS ON >_

Are bare feet disgusting?

No Just the feet because they sweat and then they make that terrible smell in yours socks or your feet

How do you make girls feet smell better?

Put your feet in water and then dry feet.Put baking powder on your feet.