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Well, I don't know that much about that, but I do know that you should never cross your eyes or stare, this can damage your eyes, and eating carrots can improve your eye sight.

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Q: How do you make your eye sight better?
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Can carrotts cure short sightedness?

No they cant but they can make you see better in the dark. They cant improve eye sight either. They can help prevent some diseases of the eye.

How do you get your eye sight better?

have surgery, you cant do any thing else

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nothing, but there is a rumor saying boys have better eye sight than girls and girls have better hearing than boys

Is it true carrots make your eyes see better or is it just an excuse from parents to make their children eat carrots?

During ww1 or ww2 i dont remember the english, to cover up there invention of radars, let out that all the pilots started eating carrots to get better eye sight.

Do rhinos have better eye sight than moles?

of course they can. moles are almost blind.

What vitamain is good for the eye sight?

Vitamin A. Lacking it can make you blind.

How is a poodles eye sight?

Poodles have very good eye sight.

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