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Most guys can't ejaculate just from anal stimulation, but it's most likely to happen if you stimulate the prostate gland, which is located between the wall of the anus and the base of the penis.

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Q: How do you make your boyfriend ejaculate from fingering his anus?
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What happens if sperm is inserted into anus of a boy?

Nothing will happen if sperm is ejaculated into the rectum. Make sure, however, your partner doesn't have any infections or you will probably get it.

How do you prepare for fingering?

Make sure to shave down there, and clean.

Can fingering make you bleed?

if u finger hard enough it will

How do you make a hard on last?

Don't ejaculate

What what make a doll sound real?

your anus

How can make anus long?

First, you probably mean the rectum, which is inside the body. The anus is the opening to the rectum. But.. You can't make the rectum 'longer'. It's like asking, How can I make my finger longer? or asking, How can I make my nose grow? The rectum like the anus can be stretched in width but not lengthened. Important--- The rectum and anus can be permanently damaged. That damage can result in constipation and leaking of softer stool.

How do you make castor oil at home?

you poo it out your anus

Is female anus more flexible than male anus?

Not necessarily, though frequent sex there might make a difference.

Your boyfriend cant make you enjoy sex fingering or licking you like touching yourself but in a weird position that would make it really hard for someone else whats wrong with me will i ever enjoy it?

hmm... you should be comfortable with the one your doing sexual activities with.. just talk to him! the best sex is with ppl who are comfortable enough to talk about it!

You are 13 and not gone through puberty does pre-ejaculate have sperm in it?

Yes, it can. Of course, not as much as the ejaculate of semen that comes next. It is often enough to make a girl pregnant.

Can putting soap in your anus make you poop?

No, putting soap in your anus will not make you poop. It may cause irritation and discomfort. It is not a recommended method for promoting bowel movements.