By boilling water a liter for a eighth or more then grind the shrooms put them in a coffee filter and tie the top put it in the boilling wqtee for ten to 15 minutes then pull it out and pour the shrooms into the cup and drink up
When you cook a Life Shroom at Sweet Smiles,you will get a Roast Shroom Dish
a slow shroom and a shooting star
squeeze it
actually, the gnome shroom does not turn into a gnome, it's just a joke.
I will go from order from left to right and top to bottom in the Suburban Almanac Index Book. Peashooter Sunflower Cherry Bomb Wall-nut Potato Mine Snow Pea Chomper Repeater Puff-shroom Sun-shroom Fume-shroom Grave Buster Hypno-shroom Scaredy-shroom Ice-shroom Doom-shroom Lily Pad Squash Threepeater Tangle Kelp Jalapeno Spikeweed Torchwood Tall-nut Sea-shroom Plantern Cactus Blover Split Pea Starfruit Pumpkin Magnet-shroom Cabbage-pult Flower Pot Kernel-pult Coffee Bean Garlic Umbrella Leaf Marigold Melon-pult Gatling Pea* Twin Sunflower* Gloom-shroom* Cattail* Winter Melon* Gold Magnet* Spikerock* Cob Cannon* Imitater** *Is an upgrade that can be bought from Crazy Dave's Twiddydinkies.(The shop) **Not an upgrade, but can also be bought from Crazy Dave's Twiddydinkies. (The shop)
You plant a Hypno-shroom and when a zombie bites it, the zombie turns around and eats any zombies in it's path. If it's day time make sure you plant a coffee bean on the Hypno-shroom after you plant it.
Shady Records is a Record Label. Shroom Shady Music is a Publishing Company.
fli agaric i think
fungus, shroom,
Guns:Peashooter, Repeater, Threepeater, Snow Pea, Split Pea, Blover, Star Fruit, Cactus.Use-Once:Cherry bomb, Squash, Potato Mine, Jalapeno.Others:SpikeWeed, Garlic, Coffee Bean, Chomper, Plantern, Torchwood, Sunflower, Marigold.Protection:Walnut, Tallnut, Umbrella Leaf, Pumpkin.Pool-Plants:Lily Pad, Tangle Kelp, Sea Shroom.Nighttime Plants:Magnet Shroom, Scardey Shroom, Sun Shroom, Fume Shroom, Grave Buster, Puff Shroom, Hypno Shroom, Ice Shroom, Doom Shroom.Roof Plants:Flower Pot, Cabbage-Pult, Corn-Pult, Watermelon-Pult.Specialty items. Must Buy:Cattail, Cob Cannon, Twin Sunflower, Gatling Pea, Gloom Shroom, Winter Melon, Gold Magnet, Spike Rock, Imitater.That's all 49 plants. You can count.