Barbiturates make people very relaxed, calm, and sleepy
they make people feel jovial and happy. These are all the things you want during a birthday party. They also make people feel more comfortable and relaxed
it means making them feel comfortable and relaxed and welcomed
Laughing can indeed make you feel relaxed. Laughing releases endorphins, which relieves both pain and stress.
it calms people down and makes them feel relaxed and not as stressed
Because god gives them connivance
People tend to feel uptight in social settings. Smallamounts of alcohol reduce inhibitions and make people feel more relaxed when dealing with others. Larger amounts create social mishaps.
After a long day at work, I like to listen to music to help me feel relaxed.
Its because of psychological effect. As soon as we reach home we feel comfortable and relaxed,also urinary sphincter may be relaxed, that's why people feel urge to do so.
sit him down make him feel relaxed and then let him know.
Make her feel welcome n free wen Eva she comes around.
It generally makes people feel happy, talkative, peaceful and relaxed.