Spankings hurt bc someone is slapping your butt with their hand or a flat object/s.
I'll tell you how I was spanked...
A: My mom would warn me "Do that again and your getting a spanking!"
B: Of course I didn't listen; I was a little girl
C: My mom would say "Your getting a spanking."
D: I would get scared and hide.
E: My mom would find me and pull me out of my hiding place.
F: My mom would call my dad.
G: My dad would hold me down; My mom pulled all clothing down.
H: I would begg and say "Sorry...don't spank me."
I: My mom would spank my bare butt at least 2 time's; as I kicked and squirmed.
J: Then my mom would send me to my room.
K: I would cry and cry bc my butt was red and soar.
I was spanked too many times...just like MJ
look up on YouTube Michael Jackson the beatings
they hurt because it is force aplied to your rear end.
here is how my spankigs would go
1. I would be naughty
2. mother would catch me and threaten to spank me if I didn't stop
3. I didn't stop so I was in for a spanking
4. I would have my bottom bared
5. go over my mothers knee (if I resisted I would get extra)
6. she would spanks my naughty bum a few times until she thought I had learned my lesson
7. She would pull up my pants and send me on my way
8. I would think she wasn't looking and do it or something else bad again, and she would catch me
9. it would be bare bottom over the knee for me again
10. I would be spanked much harder and for a few minutes until my bottom was a bright red, then I would be scolded and sent to my room
11. sometimes I would be naughty again (usually when I was older like 14 or 15) and on the third time I would be belted on my bare bottom a few times till it was red and sore then she would scold me and send me to my roo for a spanking before bed time which was when I would receive the hardest spankings I ever got
When I was naughty, my mom would pull down my pants wthout giving me another chance and carry me so that my bottom was about eye level with her face. She then would carry me to the kitchen (because their was no windows) and prop me on the counter so that I was standing with my bottom up. While I begged not to be spanked, she would run to her room and get a stick the first time and spank me, the second a belt, the third time a paddle, and if I got to a fourth she would take a leather strap and send me to my room reminding mefor a spanking before bedtime with the strap.
Nowadays she just props me against the wall, gets the leather strap and spank me until my bottoms redder then a tomato and grounds me for two weeks.
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Spanking does hurt to ever is being subdued to the punishment of being spanked. Their are different positions you can be spanked and they are not pleasant. In many countries today majority in Asia, they spank children in schools as a punishment for bad behavior. They don't corporally punish these child for the pain, but mainly for the humiliation of having ones bottom beat. My parents being southern taught us that if you cant handle the pain of the hand don't do the crime. Growing up being spanked as a last resort, I can only answer your question to yes.... it does hurt.
A spanking hurts a lot if it is done correctly.
And to different degrees and that is not always dependent on the implement used.
Spankings are supposed to hurt and they do. Some more than others.
As far as your second answer a spanking hurts even more if it is done incorrectly.
That is a strange question but the best way is to hit with your palm. If the person you decided to spank however decides to tell on you to someone else like a teacher or a friend, that may well get you arrested for domestic violence or child abuse and most judges will gladly show you how they feel about that. Having a criminal record may hurt you really bad when applying for a loan, a job etcetera.
probably a really bad spanking
Many people believe that it is bad spanking a shih tzu when disciplining them.
Yes spanking is allowed because in most cases parents or gardians think it is right for their children to get spanked if they do bad. They think it will make them a better person.
no unless you cut them to short because it will hurt really bad
yes it can, it can also make your hips hurt very bad, feeling as though they are contracting. try taking a brisk walk as it will help speed up the bodys process. hope this helps
it will hurt really bad.
Yah they hurt really bad.
It really doesn't hurt all that bad, it's just sore a little bit after
Dont i your head in the front. no hurt bad.
you can hurt yourself really bad
Korean kids are punished in ways similar to spanking. If they do some thing wrong thei parents wil make them stand in the corner and raise their arms for a LONG time. Beleive me. If they do something really bad or drop their arms in the corner, their parents will either hit them on the buttocks or ankle. HARD