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tell him some embarrising things about yourself or crack up some jokes

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Q: How do you make a guy laugh over the phone?
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How do you make a gay guy laugh?

Tell him a joke.

What are some good phone signatures for a guy?

laugh now cry later or thug life

How do you get a guy who hates you to talk to you?

this guy used to hate me, but we made each other laugh. just make him laugh get him alone to talk to. after a while i passed a stickie saying, "Do u hate me?" he said not at all. just make him laugh. make him be friens with u. or something.

Does a guy like you if he always make laugh?

NO. He's a wee bit crazy...that's all.if he tries to make you laugh then he might like you

Can you tell a guy you like over the phone?

Of course! There's no rule about telling a guy you like over the phone. Mac

How can you make a gay guy laugh?

By telling a joke is a usual method

How do you make a girl fall in love with a fat guy?

for any guy making her laugh is real good for starters.

In the theme song family guy does he say cry or laugh an cry?

it goes "all the things that make us laugh and cry"

How do you know when a guy is having fun?

if a guy is having fun with you he will smile a lot and will try to make you laugh. i love e.l.o.c

Does a guy like you if hes always talking to you and trying to make you laugh and complementing you?


How can a girl flirt with a guy?

just make him laugh:) text him dont be creepy stalkerish

Is it normal to feel akward and unsure in your first relationship?

Yes, defiantly. Especially if your just getting to know the guy. A way to get over it is to make sure you can laugh with her/him. Make sure your not to serous all the time