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The best things to do are: find out what she is interested in and then read up about those subjects, so you can talk to her about them; take her seriously, don't treat her like an idiot; understand that she can't go out with you much, because she is studying; be happy to study together. Good luck.

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Q: How do you make a girl friend with studious girl?
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I don't think you can make a girl friend. You can find one, But not make one.

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You have to impress her and not be an idiot

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Talk to her more, become her friend and see what happens from there

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be nice to her :)

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ask her out

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TO make a girl like you,you have to get out of the Friend Zone, because if you don't, she will only see you as a friend.

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More studious

How do you make your best friend girl make out with me?

You can not make your best friend, who is a girl, make out with you. You need t find out if she is interested in more than a friendship. If she is, you can start dating and see where things go.