You can lower a fever of 102 in an adult by:
Putting a wet and cold cloth on his forehead,
By taking an aspirin,
By eating tomatoes,
By eating feaces,
By drinking blood,
By writing a composition,
By shouting,
By eating copybooks
Don't forget also :
By eating glass,
By putting pepper in your nostrils, these make you sneeze, so the mucus gets out!
Hope that you found them interesting!!! -)
P.S. When eating feaces, you can add some honey and sugar so that it tastes better!!!!
She had a 102 fever.
You definitely have a fever. Such a fever can have many causes.
Yes, a temperature of 102 means that adult is running a fever.
102 is lower.
102 is average.
There is not a specific danger zone for a fever in an adult. A fever for an adult is consider to be 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. If it reaches102 or higher and does not respond to fever reducing medication, medical attention is needed.
You could take some Tylenol (acetominophen).
Some degree of fever is common after surgical procedure.
If having cold/flu symptoms is 98 F considered a fever in an adult?
yes u can i did i had a 104.7 and had a cold so yes
They fuse together.