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Ok don't worry Im in 4th grade and I have a crush to. If your parents are ok with you wearing makeup then go for it. For eye shadow wear light pink, or light purple. Just put a little bit on that's all. Dont ever wear lipstick if your young at all cause you look to gross. You should use a light pink lipgloss, I hate pink but with makeup it looks hot. When appliing lipgloss do your top lip, then bottom then put your lips together and move them around. After that to make your lipgloss less sticky and gloppy take a rag and put it betwen your lips and press down. Next is clothes, Im not going to make you look slutty or to showy, so wear darker tight jeans, or jeans shorts that are dark and tight that go to your knee. Also in fourth grade you start develiping breasts. wear Bras because it make them look smaller and round. Because if you don't wear a bra you look gross. Always make shore your bra dose not show through your shirt how to prevent this is, if you have a black shirt you can use any color bra. If you have a brown shirt you can wear every color but black. With a white shirt you can only wear white bras. Do you get it? Anyways, don't wear shirts with sayings on them. Just wear long tee shirts that are in all different colors. Dont wear skulls, and wear convors, pumas, or sneaker, shoes. Most deffently don't have light up shoes and make sure you try to wear plane white shoes. Always wear a little bit of perfume ,take a shower everyday, wear a little bit of lotion, and brush your teeth every day and night, floss your teeth everyday and night, and use mouth wash everyday and night.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Mainly by wearing pretty clothes and wearing pretty hairstyles. Makeup other than maybe lip gloss is often not allowed at that age. Above all, develop a sweet attitude so that it shines from within you and overpowers your appearance.

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Q: How do you look hot in front of a fourth grade crush?
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To just go hang with your bffs/bff and laugh and make it look our having a great time and then ask him what every like : Hey lets be friends , do you like me stuff like that

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Scary. That's all. Just scary.

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In fourth grade chances are youare still at the cute Awh. That little girl is cute stage and then once you hit the fifth grade you dont have that little kid cute affect anymore.

Where could you find a picture of the character Fudge from the book tales of a fourth grade nothing?

well theirs many stuff i can say but all i CAN say is this buy some of her books and look at the covers you can see some really cool pictures of fudge i like the ones with real characters on the front