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by not being a vegeterian like the vege that will not be named

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Q: How do you look at someone under your eyelashes?
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Related questions

Is it hard to tell when someone is wearing false eyelashes?

It depends on how the person puts on the false eyelashes. The biggest things to look for is how natural eyelashes look and if there's any sign of glue.

What is lashing specialist?

A lashing specialist is a person that can put artificial eyelashes on someone. Eyelashes can be glued on to a person's eyelid to look real.

What makes a giraffe look so gentle?

The long eyelashes.

What mascara makes you eyelashes look fuller?

Bobby brown

Do long eyelashes look good?

yes they do,if your eyelashes are longer your eyes stand out better and look prettyer but dont worry if yours arent that long a bit mascara can fix that in no time(:

What good are fake eyelashes when people wear them?

Many people choose to wear fake eyelashes to enhance their eyes. You can get great false eyelashes that look real and don't hurt. They are also easy to put on.

Are false eyelashes bad?

False eyelashes are eyelashes that are trimmed and feathered to look like real lashes, but they have a self-adhesive band for you to stick them to the base of your real eyelashes. That's why they are false eyelashes- they aren't your true eyelashes (though some false lashes are made of real hair!).

How can you tell the difference between a females and a males eyes?

You look at the eyelashes.

Is it bad if some of your eyelashes come off when You rub my eyes?

Yes. If I am rubbing your eyes, it would be normal for a few of your eyelashes to fall off, but if my eyelashes started falling off because I was rubbing someone else's eyes I would worry.

How do you make it look like you have longer eyelashes?

Put mascara on - obvious! But apparently, if you put vaseline on your eyelashes every night it is meant to work :-S. ive dont this but it didnt seem to be longer however my eyelashes appeared thicker.

Why is your mom's eyelashes falling out?

It is normal for eyelashes to fall out on occasion, a few at a time. However, losing them in clumps or losing them completely is not normal. This symptom can be caused by severe stress and by thyroid problems. If someone is noticeably losing their eyelashes, they should see a doctor.

How do you make eyelashes?

Some say, that putting vaseline can make them look bigger