Different people approach lying in bed differently. Some people like to lay on their side, with their knees bent. Others like to lay on their back facing the ceiling. Having a pillow between the knees while on the side, or having one under the knees while on the back will help with sleep posture.
It is proper grammar to say "lie on the bed" when referring to resting on the bed in a horizontal position without an object. "Lay" requires a direct object, so you would say "lay the book on the bed" when placing something on the bed.
He was laid on the bed.
River bed rocks
In Shameless Carl lay in bed with Bonny in Season 4 Episode 9
A bee cannot be like a bed. A bee is a bug and a bed is something you lay on.
Lay down are you dumb.??
Select the sim you would like to have lay on the bed. Then, click the bed and select "Relax". Your sim will go about fluffing their pillow, and propping it up. Then they will lay down on the top of the bed covers!
no but the do lay 1 out 10 egg and lay 200 in a lifetime
lay a towel under you and your partner or just dont do it on the bed!
YES and you should get it checked out ABSOLUTELY NOT! Bed bugs lay eggs in crevices and dark, rough places.
You don't have to lay down after intercourse to get pregnant.