Wait for 2 weeks after treatment and get tested again to confirm treatment worked.
you know when something has gone through evolution by looking at its earlier relitives.although some things have not gone through evolution
the tsunami is gone when everything is dead and nothing is alive
your timing is out
She is gone!
You know when french onion dip has gone bad because it has water on the top.
she has gone out with two I dont Know what there names are?
Gonorrhea and HIV have the same risk factors. Patients with HIV should be tested annually for gonorrhea. All patients with gonorrhea should be tested for HIV.
Don't Know What You Got - Till It's Gone - was created in 1988-08.
Sorry, she's already gone. We've gone down this road, before. I'd like to know who's gone this way previously.
when it does not work
If I Don't Come Home You'll Know I'm Gone was created in 2008.