Many people will experience weakness, fatigue, possibly nausea. And there tends to be a fuzzyness to the vision too.
Im not sure what I do know is if you lock your legs for an amount of time you will faint <-T>
I think you would know if you were pregnant,idiot.
yes as they all can only faint. I have a gameboy colour i would know.
The homophone of "feint" is "faint."
I dont know if it count as faint but back when snsd just debut,they perform at at school and after the performance,jessica did feel weak and squat down,about to faint.
You just have to charge your PSP. That "faint light" you see, is not a faint light, It's just a yellow thing letting you know that it is on hold.
psywave faint attack and that's all i know
Yes Julius Caesar had what is now know today as epilepsy.
They faint
"allowed" is a funny word.. because how will they know unless you tell them..? Tattoos feel a lot different than piercings.... so you might not faint when/if you get one?
Well, you kind of have to see a doctor of just you know because you feel faint and well, basically, zombie like!
Well, you kind of have to see a doctor of just you know because you feel faint and well, basically, zombie like!