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You can'y really know if he is lying you just know that he's not by the way he acts around you.If he acts weird around you, you will know that something is wrong. Sometimes he is a bit afraid when he talks to you... You will even notice that he can't talk properly,his voice tremble...

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12y ago
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14y ago

Well,the first thing you should is sneak his phone from him and browse through his text messages.If you see he is texting another girl,don't get too concerned-well,if he is saying things like,"Hey,baby.Whatcha doin' 2nite?we can be the thing that goes bump in the night: )you know you do."-you can get concerned.I know i would.but if he says things like,"hey.hows it going? :)"don't get concerned.they are just friends.

- Different person here. Change is the biggest clue of all. If he is doing things that he usally doesn't do then there are signs. Locking his phone, keeping his phone close to him. If you can check his phone and emails you might find something, but these things are to user friendly now and anyone can delete things. I caught my ex texting someone and it was easy to find. but now you can delete texts very easily and erase numbers in the call log as indivdual as opposed to the entire call history. I alwasy say, "if you think it, you think it for a reason, and that usually means that you are right".

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8y ago

Clues when someone lies:

They don't look you in the eye.

Their head moves 'yes' when they say no or their head says 'no' when they say yes.

Their eyes drop on the crucial word(s) in the sentence, "I never (eyes drop) spoke to her."

They swear on something for you to believe them.

The color of their skin gets rosy.

They are touching their nose or eye or something.

Learn how to read body language. A person who is not telling the truth will not look you in the eye or hold your gaze at all costs and the story they tell themselves will always change. If you are dating someone who isn't telling you the truth, LET Her GO. He has no respect for you. (This excludes if he is throwing a surprise party, or lying for some other appropriate reason.)

Some liars can't be detected. Some are well practiced. Don't assume that if there is no sign that it must be the truth. Always use your own judgement. Take your own knowledge and wisdom into account. Many people are taken in by lies because they prefer to believe, and some want desperately to believe. Chronic liars seek out these people.


You don't because its hard to read someones body language, but if you pay attention to the person who suppose to be lying, watch his face. If you see that person looking down while answering your question, that will be the sign of him or her lying. If the person answer you with the same question, that will be it.

well sometimes if they don't want to lie then they look at the floor or they are fidgety (fiddling with hair, scratching)


You can tell by body language if they can't look you in the eye and also they may crumble under preasure. It will also take them longer time to answer because they have to think for a answer.


By being knowledgeable. A liar can only lie to you if you're ignorant of the subject matter.

Caution; If the other side really believes on what he's saying (although you know that it is a lie), he is not guilty of lying.

Lying is with an intention to deceive.

Lying can also be by omission of details that does not support the liar's position.


Of course the last proposition could only be true if the person is aware of details that do not support his position, or that he or she accepts those details as true and correct and deliberately omits them. If a person disagrees about something as being true and omits that, then they have a position opposed or in disagreement to the other person. Most people would not define this as a lie, since no deception is involved deliberate or otherwise.

On the other hand if a person omits a detail which is factually correct, then that is certainly a lie, such as when someone quotes a Bible verse out of context or deliberately leaves out half a verse which disagrees with their view, this most certainly is deceptive.

Being knowledgeable, as mentioned above, helps to avoid the one who intends to deceive getting away with it. Being aware of a persons bias will also help as some people can be deceived without realizing it by those who can sound very clever and yet still not be telling the whole truth as it does not agree with their religious or philosophical position.


Eye Contact. If the one being accused is looking around a lot or refuses to look into your eyes then they're typically lying. Also, when they give you an intense stare that's almost frightening they're usually lying.


They won't look you in the eye, they seem nervous, stuttering, a lot of "uhs", looking down at the floor, changing the subject.


Just look into that someones eyes and feel the weight of the words that is comming from their mouth. This procedure isn't easy as it sounds, practice makes it perfect...


When they act weird and they don't want to hang out with you. Or they don't call or talk to you.


If the person does hand gestures or if they look tired then they are lying

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16y ago

You can easily tell someone is lying to you when they are constantly scratching them selves, looking away from you, talk quickly and stuttering, inhaling large quantities of air, constant blinking, groaning, tapping their fingers or even making wierd sounds. Sometimes they will just try to act to normal to reverse the signs and play it off.

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15y ago

Any of the following are helpful clues: * He cannot look at you straight in the eye when he talks * He constantly flips the script or changes the story * You nag at him way too much to make him feel at ease to tell the truth.

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13y ago

We can come to know when they say something and stammer. sometimes they stammer when they are nervous.But you should tell them to look into your eyes and speak. If they can't do that it means they are lieing. Or sometimes you can come to know when you ask them random quesiions on the thing that they lied to you and when they can't answer it.

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12y ago

There are a few common signs for cheating, I have added a link to a video going through the top 10 of them, hope it helps:)

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10y ago

To know if a guy is lying or not you have to do this. Examine his speech carefully and his actions. If he does not maintain the eye contact then it might be the case that there is a problem.

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14y ago

Look them in the eye and ask,"is that true!" then if they avoid eye-contact or smile then they are lying.

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8y ago

When you cannot match his words with his actions. When he gives so many excuses.

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