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A lot of things can turn guys on, and you dont need to be alone to do them. From tim-to-time give them a flirty closed-mouth smile, maybe a devious kind of smile. If you are sitting next to him, bushe your foot or leg up against his. whisper something sexy in his ear or lean on him, boys love cleavage. wear low-cut shirts

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14y ago
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15y ago

His pulse will start speed up and his penis will get hard, (an erection)

Some men might not get hard straight away, every man is different.

But men can't always control their erections, and it can happen unexpectedly.

hope i helped.

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16y ago

there is one definite sign, it stands up and is called an erection.

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14y ago

When he starts making little moan sounds and holds on to whatever body part he can get to on the woman's body.

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12y ago
  • Sporting an erection is one possible sign.
  • Acting more tender than usual.
  • Acting nervous around you, or he can't find his words.
  • He is staring at you.
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13y ago

they are breathing... :-D

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Q: How do you know when a man is aroused around you?
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