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look at his face

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Q: How do you know of the client has ingested medications completely?
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Who is correct. it refers to the subject of the sentence who is a person

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There is no way to get asthma medications without making an appointment with a doctor. A doctor will be able to diagnose and treat your asthma with the correct mixture of medications which you may not know about.

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To recommend a product you must know what the client is looking for. You have to ask questions. If the client is unsure then offer different nail finishes that are popular and show the client what it looks like.

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Not that i know of but there might be a client for it.

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know the client likes and dislikes

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Admit that you don't currently know the answer, but that you will find out and get back to him or her as soon as possible.

How can you tell if you'll pass a marijuana test without actually taking one?

know that you haven't ingested or smoked it

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I know that they can be triggered and distorted by antidepressant medications.

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