How i have learn from the past if when my ex husband cheated on me he kept everything a secret i couldn't sit next to him at the computer he would never tell me where he was going and he made it into a habit to leave for weeks at a time when all my friends would tell me he was cheating i supported him and said he wasn't. One day my friend asked me to go to the library so i did we were going to have a picnic well while i waited for her to show up i went in side and got onto a computer and when i turned i saw my man instead of going to him i hide behind a few things an walked all the way around him just to see him holding hands with my little sister i still didn't go to him the time i did was when he kissed her i could not help my self i yelled at him in front of everyone she my little sister thought me and him were over with but she didn't know that he had just talked to me and told me he was out with a buddy of his... needless to say about 3 days later he comes back and i take him back yea i know stupid we get better then he gets online girls and it still to me is cheating you only tell the girl your with you love them even after all that i stay me and him were together for 3 years i have been beaten and abused and cheated so take it from me i know where this all is coming from i even had a child with this man and still he left me for a 16 year old but you have to see it this was fool me once shame on me fool me twice shame on you so with that being said cheaters will always be cheaters unless you truly love some one and that's the only way to stop it and just so every one knows I'm in this problem again i think my man is cheating again because of the text messages to a number i don't know of some girl saying hey sexy i know your sleeping but text me when you wake up there is no reason to stay with a cheater run while you still can before you get trapped
Sometimes it's very difficult to tell. It depends on how sneaky the man is. These are some signs:
The smell of perfume off them; Finding things like an earring or a piece of clothing in the car; Finding motels, hotels or trips on your Visa bill that you don't know about; Finding phone numbers without a name in his wallet or on his cell phone; Lipstick on any part of a man's clothing; If he says he's working late all the time; If he doesn't keep dates with you and gives no explanation; If he forgets your birthday, anniversary; If he is out too often with the guys drinking; If he doesn't consider your feelings to some extent; If it's all about sex and he doesn't take you out on dates.
There are more signs, but I think you get the general idea.
BEWARE! Some men do work long shifts and are hard workers, so don't take it to heart if he has to work. If you are suspicious then phone him at work every so often. Also, often when someone phones you on your cell (it could be anyone) there is no name and just a number. Some men have lousy memories and can forget birthdays and anniversaries so the trick is to give them suttle hints and if that doesn't work then communicate the fact it is your birthday or anniversary coming up and if he still doesn't do something nice for you, then you may have something to worry about. If you are young and just living together or haven't been married that long it takes awhile for some young men to realize they just can't go out with their buddies anytime they feel like it, but it doesn't mean they are cheating. Some men take their girlfriends or wives for granted, but that doesn't make them a cheater either.
If you have strong suspicions about his cheating it's best to face him and tell him about your feelings and when you ask "I think you are cheating on me" watch his eyes! "The eyes are the windows of the soul." They usually won't be able to look you in the eye and if they can the eyes dart back and forth or their face will turn red. Also watch his body language. They will shift back and forth on their feet, or sluff off your question and walk into another room or turn their back on you and become angry (a cover-up to scare you and make you believe YOU are out of your mind and overly jealous.)
My answer-
In the beginning -You will catch them smiling to themselves when they think you are not looking. They will appear "far away" and not hear what you have to say because they are thinking of someone else. They buy new clothes, go shopping by themselves. Buy a new phone and keep it close, checking for texts often. Reach for the phone quickly when before they never got off their backsides for anyone who called (fear of her phoning and getting caught out)
As time moves on- They will pick a fight out of nowhere and disappear for hours, probably coming back with an apology and making it up to you(guilt). Go out randomly with "the boys"and come home late or not at all (pressure from the other woman to stay the night). Get stressed and annoyed with you more (the guilt they feel is getting to them and they must release it somewhere, possibly also feeling pressure from the other woman) Pick another fight, disappear and make it up to you. Get angry with you (blaming "someone" for the mess THEY have made and now find themselves in) make it up to you when the guilt sets back in and the cycle goes on...and on....
Here are some of the signs that your man is cheating:
1. Cell phone is never too far away from him and it's on VIBRATE
2. When he does answer the phone, he'll immediately say, "Let Me Call You Back"
3. Mood Swings - happy one minute, ticked off the next minute
4. If you ask him if he's cheating, he gets VERY DEFENSIVE and goes into the attack mode making you feel as if you have a problem, not him (reverse psychology).
5. Will say, "Since you are always accusing me of cheating, I should do it." More than likely, he already is.
6. At one time he would always take your calls . . . now you get his voicemail and it takes him hours to return your call.
7. Always claim that this new friend (or friends) are business contacts or someone who is helping him with a project.
Follow your heart and your gut . . . if you think that he's cheating, he probably is. A woman's instinct is rarely wrong!
A man is a man once a cheater always a cheater every woman knows there man and if he is acting funny ask him and if he is seeing someone else and if he seem like he is lying don't make him feel you cant trust him but do some type of following to see if he is a worthy man of your love and if he is lying to you right then and then leave him let him know that you cant believe him and don't ever let him see you heart broken cause a boy always wants a girl to see them fall over them .if he wants you back i cant answer that for you .that's all up to you and your heart it will let you cause i don't know what your heart feels a man will act smile continuously to himself or laugh sexy when he gets a text.when he doesn't hug you or kiss you he avoids you hang out with other girls. He doesn't kiss you the way you would want him to.
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Coming from experience....
If she acts different than her normal self. EX: Being sneaky, doesn't have time for you like she use to, uninterested, is always on her phone or deletes everything on her phone, re-connecting with old flames(sometimes could mean they are just becoming friends again too...) or just talking to more guys now, than she use to..
There are a lot of signs really. =/ Be careful!!
Before you start making accusations, you should try to gather whatever evidence you can. Start by looking for these tell-tale signs he is cheating: 1. Your woman's intuition tells you something is wrong. Many women start to get a nagging feeling that something is going on with their husband and another woman. 2. You notice inconsistencies in what he tells you. Maybe he tells you he's helping his friend Steve with a project, but you later find out Steve was out of town. Cheaters often have trouble keeping their stories straight. 3. Lack of intimacy. You talk less and rarely spend time alone together. You get the feeling that you're just not connecting anymore. 4. Lack of sex. If your guy suddenly doesn't show much interest in having sex it could mean he's getting it from someone else. 5. He doesn't invite you to social gatherings or get-togethers. Hanging out with the guys once in awhile is fine, but if he never wants to take you out it could be a problem. If he avoids taking you to work functions, he could be romancing a co-worker. 6. You discover secret email accounts that he keeps hidden and refuses to show you. What's he hiding? 7. You notice a strange number in his cell phone and he denies or lies about who it is. This is one of the easiest ways to catch a cheater. Simply run a reverse number lookup to find out the name and details of the strange number's owner. Then you have solid proof when you confront him about it. The reverse telephone lookup tool I use is at and I highly recommend using it if your husband or boyfriend is showing any signs he is cheating. You can enter any home, work, or cell number and get an instant report on the owner. It even works for unlisted numbers. I've used it myself and I consider it a concerned-wife's best friend.
You don't. Women are too smart... DOUBTS!
usually hiding text messages, keeping their phone on them at all times to ensure if a text comes in that's incriminating, you cant see it.
they may seem distant or even closer (depends on the person)
distant- when there are more options people get distant because they start to feel as if they are in such high demand (don't fall for it and start chasing, you will only make it worse_
closer- guilt plays tricks on our minds. when someone cheats and feels guilty they may seem to be more loving as a way of coping with this guilt.
could also be a combination of both and ofcourse there are so many other signs that you may never catch onto.
You'll find her turns to a total different person, what she usually does, she may never do that again.
You get suspicious activity. He would ignore you in bed, and wouldn't even look at you in the eye. If you ask what's wrong, he would probably have a tantrum about it. Try to follow him around when he says he's going to the store, or to work and it's his day off. If you find out hes cheating, dump him. He doesn't notice what a catch you are. You deserve better...
I feel that my girl friend is cheating on me with some body we both know
If you didn't break-up with your friend before asking the other girl out and that girl said yes, then you ARE cheating on your friend.
No it is not the case that men are cheating if they call their old girl friend. It might be the fact that he treats her as a friend. It can totally be that case, do not take that negatively.
Her vag is purple.
Try, I don't know, NOT CHEATING.
No it doesnt.
tell them you don't know that their girl is cheating!! Unless your the guy sneaking around with her!!!
Dump her and make a mockery of her and her 'bit on the side'.
you could know if she doen's pay attention to you or hangs around with you alot..Also if u dont seem to have the same taste in things..
dont believe everything you hear. tell her nicely that he might be cheating. but if the person that you heared that from is a gossiper. IGNORE IT. yea that is your friend but they could just be causing drama.
I don't think she's cheating on you. Lot's of girls have guys for friends (im a girl). In fact, all my friends are guys. Don't jump to concusions without solid proof or you'll end up loosing the girl...
Stalk her...i guess