You know he's using you if he tries to hard to make it seem like he's not. When you question him about it he'll get all defense.
when he takes u somewhere unexpected and he acts weird just because
Sweetie, if your boyfriend doesn't know how to be a boyfriend, then just let him figure it out or tell him what he needs to do! Step up and be a women!
My boyfriend is really an amazing guy but sometimes I think he is using me to get his ex's jealous
A person usually knows if he's using you when their boyfriend doesn't really pay attention to you. Rather than talking about you and him, he would rather ask more about your friend or you can notice if he stares more at your friend rather than you. :)
I don't know cuz i don't have a boyfriend ):
You will know because when he hangs around boy he acts funny
He's using her for sex. Tell them to break up.
You can find your ex boyfriend by using Facebook or Myspace.
who cares you moved on
test him. Talk about mature things ex: marriage, kids, the future.