You can't unless you have an ultrasound scan which shows 2 (or more) babies. I had a single baby first time around and was really tired and nauseous for the first 13 weeks, also my breasts were really tender from 5 weeks onwards. Second time around I had no such symptoms. I did not have an early scan but when I went to the doctor at 14 weeks and he measured from the top of my uterus to my pubis and it was 17cm. and I realized I could feel movements, I became convinced I had twins. He was less convinced, but as I am a midwife and he was a general doctor (usual in UK) I was the expert. When I had a scan at 18 weeks and there were 2 babies I wasn't really surprised.
# you put more weight on quickly
# you feel more sleepy
# go to the toilet more often
I am a 35 yr old who had a tubal reversal,( Tubes had been tied for 10 years after 2 healthy pregnancies) had a miscarriage in Jan, 08, and then had a positive result last Tuesday, though I was spotting lightly it was irregular, it was the day I was supposed to start my period but took a test anyway and it was positive.
imagine my apprehension As I already miscarried, and now I was bleeding, went to my Doctor to have hcg levels tested, and they came back Quite high according to Doc. and mentioned that I could be having a multiple pregnancy, that night after receiving those results I was in the hospital as the bleeding got heavier as did the cramping,( confirmed Miscarriage that night) now it is 7 days later and I am still bleeding heavy. is this Normal? I am wondering if bleeding heavy(ier) than norm may be a sign of multiples?
To state the obvious ask your doctor. Usually at about 8 weeks they can tell on an ultrasound. Some symptoms are that you feel big. You have extremely bad morning sickness and really large weight gain in your second trimester, like 7 - 10lbs. These are just a few :)
Another sign is if your test line is darker then the control line early in pregnancy like 4weeks pregnant which is the 1st day of your missed period.
Yes you can.
If you were to miscarry one twin the other fetus can still survive, but the chances for that are SLIM!!
yes same ting as twins
Actually this is very possible and it has happened to many women.
I just went to the doctor and they said that i might have had twins and lost one. So yeah you can miscarry one and give birth to the other.
Rare, but probably happens more often than what is noticed.
Yes. Many women who miscarry that early never even know they had been pregnant.
I dont know what you mean by claiming, but yes, a woman can miscarry a set of twins and then again become pregnant with another set of twins within the same year.
As written in the question, miscarry You could also use: * miscarriage * miscarry * miscarried
yes a rabit does miscarry mine has
does vinegar makes you have a miscarry
It's possible but they have to take a ultrasound to know for sure.