you try to talk to a friend, but nobody will take your call - darn that caller ID
You usually would have a nervous breakdown by having too much work over a short period of time. Working too hard may result in stress, and not nervous breakdown. If you work too hard for something you are worried about, you would have a nervous breakdown.
it means when you start having a random spazz atttack and you go all wierd and you cant control yourself. Or is that nervous breakdown????? :P
Designing a Nervous Breakdown was created on 2000-01-25.
Early in his life he was dealing with a case of colera which he almost died and the nervous breakdown in his elementary school/.
The duration of Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown is 1.5 hours.
Nervous Breakdown - Hawthorne Heights song - was created in 2010.
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown was created on 1988-03-25.
Sisters on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown was created on 2009-01-22.
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown - musical - was created in 2010.
An existential breakdown can be compared to a nervous breakdown. However, what separates the two is the concious conclusion derived from individual experience. During a nervous breakdown a person only falls victim to their confusion.
it will