This is the internet age. Take advantage of it! You don't need to play any of these guessing games. There is a site called You create a secret list of who you like. They create their list. If there's a match (you like eachother), the website notifies both of you. If not, nobody ever knows. Its quick, easy and free.
well i like this one guy...and he knows that i like him...he wont talk to u..but if he usually does then he will...if he makes fun of u about liking u then he probally doesnt like u..but if he doesnt say anything he MIGHT like dont give up ur hopes i might be wrong...
Chat with our AI personalities
well you should start by introducing yourself and then go from there..once you 2 no each other quiet well you should just ask him?thats the only way your gunna find out so just go 4 it!