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Ask her.

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Natasha Sporer

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3y ago
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15y ago

It is very easy to identify if a woman likes you. She always want to be there when you're around. She love to talk with you and some women are very shy to talk too. She always chat you or ring your phone maybe.

There are lots of ways to know it but of course as a man, you should approach women first then things will go along then.

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10y ago

If a girl likes another girl, it may mean she likes women. It could be that she likes the girl as a friend. If she finds a female's body sexually attractive, then she may be a lesbian or bi-sexual. It could also mean that she is going through a period in her life where she is experimenting with her sexual identity and has not yet determined if she is heterosexual, homosexual, or bi-sexual.

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15y ago

just by the way she looks at you and smiles. she might act a little shy around you. she tries to hold a conversation with you. She calls you just to make sure you didn't give her a bogus number. by the way she hugs you and looks into your eyes.

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13y ago

INFO FROM A GIRL- Sometimes a good way to tell if a girl likes you is if she smiles, talks, or jokes around with you. And other times she might tease you.

Lolz! Us girls can be really tricky to figure out ;)




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14y ago

If she doesn't like boys.

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