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* well, it depends on the situation but if you're just chilling, then she's probably flirting with you. * but if she's upset and you want to comfort her, it would be better if you're friends with her so she knows she can trust you. In that case she would be acting comfortably around you and she may be trying to stay close and her body language would indicate that she likes your being there and wants you to be there for a while, but probably just for comfort. Remember that girls are very vulnerable when they're upset, and if she thinks you are trying to take advantage of her she will never forget. And she'll probably throw a massive hissy fit. * but if you just have a crush on her, then you probably should ask her how she feels and you should sit down and have a proper conversation rather than risking total embarrassment of her screaming that she never want to see you again and something about sexual harassment and running from you. * If you have just been out somewhere with here or if you are in school and you have had a really fun time or had a laugh in the lesson when you are saying goodbye go for it. just hold your arms out and they will always hug you. Remember girld love hugging people especially boys ;D

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15y ago
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15y ago

she'll either ACCIDENTLY touch it or you in attempt to hold your hand , or she will get close and stroke the side of her hand against yours there's many a little gesture a girl would try to get your attention but best thing you could do is not be so shy and timid and just gently calmly try the things you'd to do with her and if she wants it she will respond to your moves .

She could also nudge you, to get her attention, look away and touch your hand.

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15y ago

See if she is looking at your hand a lot, or bumping into you, or moving her hand closer to you. You can just ask her, too. Or take a leap and try it. Grab her hand gently.

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16y ago

When he makes the effort!

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Q: How do you know if a girl wants you to hold her hand?
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If a girl wants to kiss you, she will try to make A LOT of eye contact with you, hold your hand when she can, face you smiling and staring into your eyes.

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just hold his hand and keep quiet! he will need to understand you

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hold her hand grasp her look her in the eyes..that is the awesomest move ...that i can think of...or just u know talk to i think the girl likes you..soo go for it..

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When your walking casually touch his hand with yours a few times he should get the hint and hold your hand, if that doesnt work either ask if you can hold his hand or just grab his hand, look at him and smile :) hope this helped

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you know when your girl wants to be with a girl because she would check out girls and would flirt with one. that's when you know. when she starts hanging out with them

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Stay steady and hold her hand once and a while and be sweet and loose. If that doesn't work shes not your girl/type!!!! I know this because im a GIRL! Hoped this helped!