There are many different little details you can check. It's usually facial expressions.
1)squinted eyes
2) a little smirk while talking
4) raised eyebrows
5) hands shivering
6)knee shaking
8)not looking at you directly in the face while talking.
the type of cloth they wear in greece is called lieer
Cancer is 1 illness pets can detect, as far as scientists know, only dogs can detect it.
Example sentence - I would like to know how to detect when a person is lying.
I dnt know
If you are not able to detect that then she probably does not know you exist.
i don't know I'm just trying to find out and answer
yes, you couldn't even detect the syndromes sometimes if u get a pregnancy test done it probably can not detect it does that answer correctly for you
I just got a Bravo pH monitor to detect acid levels in my body. If I smoke cigarettes can they know that by the monitor?
None. You can never "detect" homosexuality with 100% accuracy. But a person can know his or her own sexual orientation as young as puberty, and in some cases, earlier.
You can detect lidar pointed at your car, but lidar measures your speed so fast you don't have time to react.By the time you know about it they already have you.
well i only know one: they have large antenaes to detect predators
They can detect light(and tend to move away from it)