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actually i should say..... that is not a question u should ask on net..... u must be a stupid person to ask this question....freken...

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If he doesn't kiss u anymore

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Q: How do you know a guy is tired of you?
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What does your last text say?

"Yeah it did I was tired as" From one of my best guy mates :) :) Not very interesting, I know :)

What does it mean when a guy says Im tired because it was crazy last night if you dont know what i mean?

Don't ask for opinions or guess. Ask him

If you are tired of London?

You are tired of Life. Let me know, Kidnap?

What does beat mean when a guy calls you that?

usually when she is tired or worn out.

How do you know when your stressed?

you get tired

What to say when a guy fell asleep txting you last night?

nothing he was tired

Do a guy feel tired after mastrbation?

Sometimes... a bit. Usually nothing serious.

How would the guy feel when after the sperms came out?

the guy feels after sperms come out does not sounds good. in other sense feels tired.

A guy took you out for coffee does he like you?

He may just be tired and need a pick me up.

What does it mean when a guy says i shouldn't have to tell you i love you you should just know?

this means he is a jerk and has no feelings at all.he has to tell you how he feels you can't just .... know it. well it means that he is tired of saying it and he just wants you to assume it but that does not mean it is not true

How do you know if my dog is tired?

Very often dogs just flop down when they are tired and do not want to continue.

When are teacher going to realize we get tired of homework?

They already know it -- and they are tired of grading all your homework, too.